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Palm Sunday marks the beginning of what is called Holy Week, celebrated by the Church around the world. Each day is significant, and the events therein are all leading to the crucifixion of our Lord. As easy as it is to allow the tyranny of the urgent to push us through each day, this week is an invitation to press into the mystery of God becoming man, and the Creator of all life choosing to die to redeem, to buy back His rebellious creation. It is an opportunity to sit in ever-increasing silence, all distractions put away, in order to walk with Jesus in remembrance. For this reason, we have included prayers and readings which we hope you will take the time to reflect on and bring before the Lord. Feel free to journal, discuss, and pray through what you read. Some questions to consider as you read include, 


  1. What does this reading reveal about who Jesus is?

  2. What does this reading reveal about who I am?

  3. How can I best respond to what God has shown me?


 We have also included suggestions for daily fasts. As you begin each day, prayerfully consider what specifically the Lord would have you put aside in order to focus your heart and mind on Him. This is between you and Jesus. Feel free to adjust the fast as He leads, and you can stack them on top of each other or focus on one different thing each day. As we together take the time to set aside these different distractions, we are not trying to earn favor with God for He has already given it in and through His Son. This is instead a time to practice self-denial in order to trade lesser sources of joy for our true and ultimate source of joy, so that we might more fully understand the Gospel as we walk through the week.  

We pray this week is one in which you are able to come and behold a little more clearly what God did through Jesus for you.

“Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery”, Matt Boswell and Michael Bleeker

“Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery 

Christ the Lord upon the tree 

In the stead of ruined sinners 

Hangs the Lamb in victory.


See the price of our redemption

See the Father’s plan unfold

Bringing many sons to glory

Grace unmeasured, love untold!”

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