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What we're Up To

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Parent Roundtable

Need some encouragement and laughter? fresh perspective? Inspiration? Time with other adults? 


Come for a night of fellowship with other parents from New Hope, March 26th from 5-8pm. Consider it a parent's night out! New Hope will be providing dinner, but we will not have childcare. If you need a babysitter for the evening, we'd be happy to recommend some of our wonderful New Hope teens and young adults! 

Easter Song

We're so excited by the amazing, astounding, astonishing truth that Jesus not only died for us to take our sin but then rose from the dead! That is definitely a reason to praise the Lord, don't cha' think?


New Hope Kids will be signing some motions (for the olders) and dancing (for the littles) to the song "Praise" by elevation worship. 

Here's what that song sounds like! 



Riddle of the Week


Q: Why couldn't Jonah trust the ocean? 

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What We're Loving Right now 

So the Next Generation Will Know, Sean McDowell and J. Warner Wallace

"We wrote [this book] for a very practical reason: to show you how to teach the truth of Christianity to the next generation, given the special challenges they face and their unique identity." (from the preface)

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